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5 Surprising Things That Can Happen When You Set Up a Management System

March 21, 20234 min read

This article discusses the benefits of setting up a management system for coaches and consultants, including increased productivity, happier clients, greater peace of mind, increased confidence, and business growth. This article also provides steps for getting started with setting up a management system, including assessing needs, choosing the right tools, setting up the system, training the team, and reviewing and refining.

As a coach or consultant, keeping track of all the things going on in your business can feel like trying to herd cats. But fear not! Setting up a management system can be your secret weapon to be more organized and efficient.

5 Surprising Things That Can Happen When You Set Up a Management System

Here are five surprising things that can happen when you create a management system to keep your work and information organized in one place:

  1. You'll Have More Time: With a management system in place, you'll spend less time trying to find information and more time on the work that matters most. This will result in greater productivity and more time for you to spend on the things that matter.

  2. Your Clients Will Be Happier: When you're more organized, you're better able to meet your clients' needs consistently. This will lead to happier clients and more positive feedback, which can help to grow your business.

  3. You’ll Have Greater Peace of Mind: With a management system in place, you'll have a clear understanding of what needs to be done and when, which can reduce stress and anxiety, leading to greater peace of mind.

  4. You'll Be More Confident: When you know where everything is and can easily access it, you'll be better prepared to handle any situation that comes your way, which can help to build confidence in yourself and your work.

  5. Your Business Will Grow: When you're more organized and efficient, you'll have more time and energy to focus on growing your business. This can lead to new opportunities, more clients, and greater success overall.

So, if you haven't yet, why not consider finally getting all those random sheets, documents, and notebooks organized in one place by setting up a management system for your business? You'll be amazed at the surprising benefits you'll experience.

How to Get Started Setting Up a Management System for Your Coaching or Consulting Business

Getting started with setting up a management system for your coaching or consulting business can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Here are a few steps to consider:

  1. Assess Your Needs: Take some time to identify the types of information and work that you need to manage in your business. This might include things like projects and tasks, sales leads, client information, coaching notes, or standard operating procedures.

  2. Choose the Right Tools: There are many management tools available, but a simple work management tool like Notion, ClickUp, or Trello can go a long way in organizing all work and information in one place.

  3. Set Up Your System: Once you've chosen your tools, it's time to start setting up your system. This might include designing an overall structure, creating templates and databases for different kinds of information, and setting up workflows.

  4. Train Your Team: If you have a team, it's important to make sure everyone is on the same page and knows how to use the management system effectively.

  5. Review and Refine: As you start using your management system, take note of what's working well and what could be improved. Continuously review and refine your system to ensure it's meeting your needs.

Here’s another article I wrote about how to use Notion for organizing your coaching business.

Too Busy to Do it All Alone?

Many coaches and consultants find it challenging to set up a management system due to their busy schedules. That's why I have designed my Premium Suite Program to make setting up a personalized management system on Notion as easy as possible.

The program starts with an audit to understand your needs and prioritize the areas to systemize. Once the audit is complete, I will do the system setup for you so that you don't need to spend countless hours figuring it all out yourself.

Additionally, the program includes comprehensive support to answer any questions you may have about the system or make any necessary adjustments.

Here you can read what my clients have to say about the program.

Business systemsProductivityCoachingConsulting
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Taina Pereenniemi

Taina Pereenniemi is the Founder & CEO of the #1 5-Star Rated Notion Certified Agency world-wide. She and her team of certified consultants help businesses organize their team, work and information in one place on Notion, so that they can scale without feeling overwhelmed. Book a free discovery call here:

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